이화여자대학교 영어영문학과 졸업 및 신문방송학과 석사
미국 미시간주립대학교 광고PR학과 석사 및 박사(PR 전공)
2012년 현재 성균관대학교 신문방송학과 부교수
저서 및 논문
"Effects of Message Framing and Anchoring on Reaching Public Consensus on the Korea-US FTA issue" (2011)
"Hostile Media Perception, Involvement Types, and Advocacy Behaviors" (2011)
"Promoting Organ Donation through an Entertainment-Education TV Program in Korea: Open Your Eyes" (2010)
"A Test of the Third-Person Effect in Public Relations: Application of Social Comparison Theory" (2005)
“Crisis Management Planning and the Threat of Bioterrorism” (2003)
“Optimistic Bias and Perceptions of Bioterrorism in Michigan Corporate Spokespersons, Fall 2001”(2003)
“Genetically Engineered Food Labels, Information or Warning to Consumers?”(2003) 등